Rex' pointillistic style is finely detailed and exquisitely rendered, the stark black and white draws your eye and holds you transfixed. His fetish subject matter shows a dark and sometimes disturbing world that fascinates even as it repulses, and leaves you wanting more. But since Rex is a very private - even reclusive - artist, more is not very easy to obtain. And when you find it, it's often of poor quality due to repeated copying of inferior original versions.
His website, RexWerk, seems to be by invitation only. I read a number of comments by others who were trying to gain access in order to join, but were unable to discover a way in. I had the same problem. If anyone who reads this is a member, and would like to help me out with that, I'd really love to see more of his work. I appreciate his reluctance - his subject matter is often considered taboo, dealing as it sometimes does with such touchy subjects as bestiality and pedophilia. It's understandable that he feels the need, but it's a shame that it's so hard to see his work.
Click on the images to see the full sized pictures.
Note: Size and quality may vary. I did my best to pick drawings with the best quality, but occasionally I chose subject matter over detail in order to make the collection more representative of his work.

His Website: RexWerk
The Explicit Art of Rex at The Erotic Art Collection - this is where I first saw his art and fell in love with The Last Drop, my personal favorite Rex drawing.
Jack Fritscher - who knew Rex while Fischer was with the famous San Francisco gay magazine Drummer, wrote several articles featuring Rex. They are located on his website here: RexWerk! The Artist, the Work, the Gallery This page rambles on a bit, but there is a lot of good info on Rex there. The two also collaborated on a video of Rex' work entitled: The Rex Video Gallery: Corrupt Beyond Innocence.
RexWerk - a book of Rex' art. Limited edition of 1500 copies - published in 1986 in Paris, by Les Pirates Associes, with text in French and English, 50 b/w drawings. This copy sells for close to $300 used. I've added this to my wish list...maybe some day. (Hah.)
I found some of his art at Delftboys' Website, in the Boys Club (letters and comments to AD - the webmaster) - the drawings are about 2/3rds of the way down the page, just scroll down. Delftboys also has three pages of his art in the Masterclass section, but that area is members only, so you'd have to pay to see those.
A short article from A Guy Site blog: The Talent . Rex Werk
All images © Rex.
I just admire the art.
I have to agree; I've seen some of this guy's stuff, and I would love to see more. He's got a really awesome art style, and I don't find the stuff he draws to be offensive at all.
I love this work! And he's obviously a foreskin fetishist, like me ...
I like the work of Rex a lot. He's extremely sensuous, even raunchy, and willing to portray kinky things like gay dog sex that none others I am aware of are. His men are very attractive,and are really into whatever they're doing. Though Tom of Finland is probably much more popular, I find his work vanilla in comparison. It seems his men are more into displaying their machoness than getting down.
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